Friday, August 26, 2011

My Sharepoint project.

Within last 2-3 months I try to train myself in SharePoint 2010 to set up a website for my company. This site will serve a very simple goal is to share documents among different committees. I created site for each committee, structured and organized all them. I also set up permissions within the committee for different users. Needless to say, I learned a lot. I started with very simple one site project and ended with multiple sites, multiple libraries and lists SharePoint application. In time it became easy to use SharePoint navigation and all features presented in SharePoint 2010. For now I created a very structured website. Strangely, I did not use any programmatic tools. It was quite enough to use features built in SharePoint by Microsoft. My site was tested by internal users. And… they are OK. First part of my project is over. I’m working towards external users. I need some approval from them. I know, there is a request from some external users to begin to use my SharePoint–site. I hope, they will like it. Also I’m learning FBA (Form-Based Authentication) for SharePoint 2010. I have to implement a custom built login-page for my project. My SharePoint admin is on vacation, and I have plenty of time to learn.

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